Sunday, January 16, 2005


Surf the 'net faster

Would you be interested in speeding your Web surfing without reaching for your wallet?

Of course you would... all you need is to take advantage of my favorite bookmarklets. These are tiny JavaScripts that automate repetitive tasks.

Copy and paste my personal bookmarklets into your favorite Web browser at...


Just sell it to me

Isn't it frustrating when you're ready to purchase a product online, and you can't find the price?

Here's a simple tactic... just take advantage of your "Find" browser shortcut found under the "Edit" menu in your favorite web browser and search for a dollar sign.

It's just one of many of my favorite browser shortcuts found at...


Web hosting on the cheap

If you have more than one domain name, you're probably paying too much for hosting.

For example, I have dozens and dozens of domain names. If I were to set up a separate web hosting account for each site, my hosting bill could be hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars per month.

But a growing number of hosting companies allow us to host all of our domains under "one roof" -- at a much lower price at the same time.

Here's my top 3 list of cheap multiple domain hosting multiple-domain hosting companies...


Ideas for quick cash

The most successful people I know have at least this one thing in common...

... They plan ahead and budget their time with the aid of a marketing calendar.

Over the last few weeks, I've been tweaking my 5-week marketing calendar template and it's yours to steal and use for yourself at...


The 10 commandments of marketing

Who said there are just 10 commandments of marketing?

I just searched and found multiple versions of these commandments. The good news is I've compiled them for your review at...


Fast path to better advertising

If you've ever wondered why the quality of Japanese cars is so high, the real credit goes to Dr. Genichi Taguchi.

His Taguchi Method puts a dollar sign on the value of improving the quality of a product.

... But you can use the same "predictive modeling" to squeeze up to 13 times more response without spending an extra dime on your next advertising campaign.

Find out how to exponentially increase your advertising return on investment in about 3 weeks at...


Who else love these popups

Who said people hate popups?

One savvy marketer experimented with a "create your own price" popup that displayed when a visitor left his site without buying.

The result: This exit popup experiment generated 3 extra sales within the first 24 hours!

How would you like to save the sale with this popup? Get the details of this experiment at...


Convert bad products into winners

There's nothing worse than spending the time and energy creating a product, only to find it's not selling very well.

But Andrew Peacock offers this product makeover with 7 fast and easy ways to turn bad selling products into profit at...


FedEx delivers 2 for 1

Did you know that there's more to the FedEx(R) logo than 5 simple block letters?

Apparently, the Fedex logo includes a subliminal arrow shape... yep, it's true... if you kind of squint and tilt your head 7 degrees clockwise. Wow, now that's genius (sarcasm).

Follow me as I reveal the FedEx logo conspiracy (and other custom logo design tips) at...


The truth about John Kerry

Ever wonder why the John Kerry campaign announced his Vice-Presidential choice of John Edwards to his email list before anyone else?

... According to copywriter Craig Garber, Kerry's campaign cleverly borrowed one of the oldest direct-marketing tricks in the book.

Discover how to exploit this nifty strategy from the marketing of politics to grow your list of prospects and customers at...


HTML tips, tricks & hacks

Don't get me wrong... the Adobe® PDF format is an amazing tool making it easy to share files with Mac and PC users...

... But did you know plain ol' HTML (used to display Webpages) is just as powerful when your web designer steals my personal list of free HTML goodies at...


Type to the top of Google

There's a new secret search engine that has surfaced on my radar screen.

It's called Google Print, and it's the latest Google mission to provide access to "all the world's information and make it universally useful and accessible."

In simple speak, it might be the fastest and easiest way to get listed tops at the king of all search engines.

... Find out how to type your way to the top of Google at...


Business name ideas

Having trouble picking out the perfect name?

This handy business name ideas checklist is here to help you...


Alexa experiment boosts rankings

Internet marketers have a strange love affair with

On the surface, is a mysterious traffic counter. When you search for a Website address, it returns a rank.

But a few weeks ago, I tested an idea with Alexa that generated a jolt of new visitor traffic within 72 hours...


Why people don't buy from you

What do trust, focus, and options all have in common?

They're one of 10 reasons why people buy don't buy from you...

... Dan Brown reveals all 10 reasons at...


Website evaluation checklist revealed

Over the last 6 years, I've been creating a massive checklist that keeps me focused on creating Webpages that are:

1) Search engine friendly...
2) Visitor friendly...
3) Bank account friendly

Today, my checklist is your checklist to borrow.

Whether you maintain a Website (or you're thinking of creating one), this nifty website evaluation checklist is a keeper...


Vote no for John Reese

If you're wondering why I haven't jumped on the John Reese bandwagon about his just released "Traffic Secrets Review" course, I can sum it up in just one word...

The word is big... a big disappointment that is.

My unbiased review is yours to view at...


How to fix negative publicity

How many times have you been burned thinking something you've said "off the record" was actually "on the record?"

Ann Stephenson reveals 3 surefire ways to communicate your key points without stumbling head first into the quicksand of negative publicity...


Cashing in on September 11th

You might find it hard to imagine that "The 9/11 Commission Report" published by the government is selling so well...

... After all, it's uncopyrightable and freely available on the Internet.

Right now, you can literally tap into the same kind of public domain information and repackage it for a profit... if you know where to look.

Find out how to legally and ethically make money downloading 1,000s of public domain books, software, and movies at...


Find hidden wealth in your computer

No one likes to be told that they're sitting on a gold mine... but according to legendary business builder Jay Abraham, there's a cash jackpot of between $10,000 and $1,000,000 for you to claim...

... Find out how to this simple, heartfelt email marketing strategy is a surefire way to generate cash in your pocket by tonight at...


How to write good advertising

If you think the goal of writing good advertising is be creative or win awards, don't read this.

But if you're looking to generate immediate response and business from prospects who are ready to buy from you now, you might be interested in this excellent Robert W. Bly article about advertising techniques...


My meeting with Paris Hilton

Did you know the most commonly used fake name to order Domino's Pizza in Washington, D.C. is Paris Hilton?

While I can't confirm this story, it's easy to believe.... when I worked for Domino's Pizza in the 80s, fake names of popular actresses were commonly used in the hopes of getting pizza delivery in half the time.

Fake names are harmless, right... we'll, it depends... promoting a fake name can lead to IRS penalties.

Find out if a fake name is best for you at...


Ask visitors for keywords ideas

There are dozens of ways to find popular search engine keyword phrases to attract search engine visitors or to submit to pay per click engines...

... But my favorite way to find popular, yet lesser-known keyword suggestions is to ask my visitors how they found my Web site.

The good news is simple tracking software, encoded within each of my Web pages, does all of the asking for me... see how I take full advantage of my "keyword intelligence system" to find profitable niches at...

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