Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Is recycled really cheaper?

Would you even think about buying slightly used:

A) Underwear...
B) Gum...
C) Advertising

If you said "A" or "B"... you're really frugal.

But if you said "C) Advertising", you're not cheap... you're a smart marketer.

Find out how to buy slightly used ads for your own use at a fraction of the cost at...


Truth revealed about gas prices

I'm not thrilled about the high cost of gas.

And when oil executives brag about their record profits on CNBC, I'm really mad.

But when those same oil companies feed us lie after lie to justify their price gauging, I don't get mad -- I get even.

Over the last 7 months, I've search high and low... looking for strategies to fight back against the high price of gas. I've put together a very valuable Special Report that I'd like to share with you before you even think about opening your wallet.

Find out how to drive more on the same tank of gas at...


Make your site easier to find

There's a new service called Thumbshots ... claiming to get your Web site higher clickthrus when featured on search engines.


How to find colored neighbors

Whether it's fair or not, a lot of stereotypes are true.

And savvy marketers know that one side of a street might have better customers than the other based purely on the "color"... the color of their census mapping that is.

Click your way to amazing census stats at...


Secrets of an internet robot

One of the fastest, cheapest, and easiest ways to bring in new business is by sending your prospects a series of prewritten email messages.

Of course I'm referring to autoresponders -- ARs for short.

But the hardest part about putting autoresponders into action is coming up with a reason to do so that doesn't appear to be spam.

Here's a fast and easy autoresponder checklist that anyone can use to put their email marketing on autopilot...


Ugly enough for success?

Do you think my Web pages are ugly?

Admit it... I do... they're downright ugly. But I don't care.

Far too many web designers focus on the appearance of a Web site design rather than functionality. And while an attractive design is helpful, it's almost always at a cost of functionality.

You have my permission to pass these 10 ugly web site design tips to your designer...


Google™ holds your hand

Are you struggling to profit with your current pay per click campaign?

If so, Google just announced an intriguing new program calledJumpstart ...

... It's a zero-cost way to get started with Google's popular pay per click program called AdWords.

That's right... as long as you're willing to invest at least $299 in "clicks", Google promises to personally help you launch your new pay per click campaign in about 48 hours.


Track Web success via email

Just about every day, search giant Google(TM) sends me an email alert that usually puts a smile on my face...

... It's an email alert system that lets me know when a Web site links to my site.

See how to take advantage of this nifty no-cost monitoring service called Google Web Alert...

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