Saturday, December 18, 2004


Saving money shipping outside US

Did you know shipping a package outside the US could trigger an additional duty tax... holding your package hostage 'til your recipient pays up?

Find out the secrets of ebay® powersellers who regularly use international shipping.


Turn typos into spy traps

Last year, I was super excited by the prospects of registering domain names with typos to make easy money.

To make a long story short, my efforts didn't retire my debt... far from it.

But my domain name typo experiment wasn't a complete loss... in fact, it could be one of the best marketing moves I've made in years... and it's yours to use gratis.


Stay on top of search engines

RankPulse tracks and publishes the daily changes of the most popular keyword searches at Google(TM)...


Anatomy of successful internet marketers

Over the years, I've been honored to help literally thousands of seemingly passionate internet marketers enjoy the rewards of the work-at-home-lifestyle.

But surprisingly, I'm still working with a handful of those same passionate troopers... the rest either gave up or moved on.

Over the last few months, I've been organizing a checklist of traits of the most successful internet marketers I know.

Do you have what it takes to achieve total marketing success?


Slash PayPal fees in 3 clicks

If you're a member PayPal, you might enjoy these three nifty ways to put a lot more money into your account (without any extra effort).

These strategies are 100% legal and ethical -- fully endorsed by PayPal .

Scan my PayPal checklist and put more money in your account almost instantly.


Find referrals with this stamp

If you sell retail (rather than B2B), you might consider sending your best customers a self-inking address stamp.

Real Estate and mortgage professionals regularly send their customers these "closing gifts" as a permanent reminder of their services.

This nifty low-cost gift offers these benefits for you:

- Your customers will be amazed at your thoughtfulness...
- When the ink runs out, they'll call you for a replacement...

... And when they call you, here's exactly what to say more...


The truth about ClickBank

Are you promoting a ClickBank product? Or are you a ClickBank merchant?

Either way, I'll bet your bank account is a lot lighter than it used to be.

If you're seeing a drastic drop in ClickBank related sales, you're not alone.

I created a new message board post about the problems at ClickBank ... and I encourage you to chime in with your thoughts at...


Can you zap this zit?

Quick quiz:

Here are two almost identical ads for a pay per click campaign I just launched... can you see the difference and guess the winning ad:

Ad #1:
Acne Chris Gibson reveals how you can zap acne in 3 days (aff)

Ad #2:

Acne Chris Gibson reveals how you zap acne in 3 days (aff)

Answer: See how ad #2 is missing the word "can"?

Why in the world would I test almost identical ads and... ... different only by removing a silly 3-letter word?

The answer is simple and will surprise even the most experienced direct marketing gurus... my secret is yours to steal at...


Ask Saya for super affiliates

Last week, I revealed how savvy joint venture "junkies" tap into publicly available databases to contact potential JV partners.

But let's face it... searching these databases one by one is time consuming...

... Yes, there is a better way.

Web software guru John Saya created an online software solution that scans multiple public databases and combines its results on a single Web page... literally saving you hours and hours of research time.

While the solution is quite expensive (close to $500.00), I was able to convince John to offer a 3-try demo... I bet once you try it, you'll want to order it.

Look for John Saya's Affiliate Finder link at...



Are sales down? Visit Vegas

If you rely heavily on Web site sales and you're concerned because sales are unusually low, I bet you're rushing to the Web to see if your site is up and running.

But don't be fooled if it is... while checking your Web site is a great start...

... I recommend checking your site's status from Las Vegas, Germany, London, and other remote locations from around the world in just a mouse click with this Web site monitor ...


Joint venture in a click

Before you even think about partnering with another company, you're going to have to get their contact information to contact them, yes?

And the first place joint venture junkies search for contact information is their favorite WHOIS online search engines.

Here's my favorite WHOIS search engine...


Syndicated content for your site

A few weeks ago, I revealed how the latest Web software grabs syndicated content and displays it on your Web site to attract new visitors to your site.

That's the easy part. The hard part is tracking down precisely targeted "feeds" to copy and paste on your site...

... Here's my always-updated list of syndicated web site content feeds I constantly reference to find new content to use on my Web pages...


PDF to HTML converter

AdobeĀ®'s PDF document format is one of the best inventions ever.

But a surprisingly large percentage of Web surfers still can't read PDF files... they're either blind or visually impaired. Some declined the invitation to download Adobe's no-cost PDF reader software.

The good news is Adobe offers an online PDF to HTML converter wizard to bridge the gap...

... But the best news is you can use the exact same tool to create instant Web site content in just 2 clicks of your computer mouse.

Find out how to profit with this nifty PDF to HTML converter at...


Donald Trump - villain or hero?

The popularity of Donald Trump's TV show "The Apprentice" is further proof that, "There's a sucker born every minute."

Americans have a knack to convert villains into heroes and reward them with fame.

It's hard to resist the attraction of Trump's "show"... after all, the American dream is to obtain independence... and it's perceived that entrepreneurs are rewarded with freedom.

The reality is the true heroes of business avoid the spotlight. They fly under the radar. And instead of using deceptive tricks and schemes to build their wealth, they instead focus on these proven business strategies...


5 stealthy online business ideas

Dirk Wagner reveals 5 lesser-known, yet effective online business ideas you can put into action by tonight at...

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