Monday, January 17, 2005
Grab instant cash with this check
If your business accepts traditional paper checks, your bank might have very good news for you later this month...
Starting October 28th a revolutionary new banking law goes into effect called Check 21. In simple speak, Check 21 empowers banks to process traditional paper checks electronically.
The good news is this new act virtually eliminates the risk of taking an out-of-state paper check... if you know my secrets.
Find out how to put more cash into your bank account with these Check-21-opportunities opportunites at...
Starting October 28th a revolutionary new banking law goes into effect called Check 21. In simple speak, Check 21 empowers banks to process traditional paper checks electronically.
The good news is this new act virtually eliminates the risk of taking an out-of-state paper check... if you know my secrets.
Find out how to put more cash into your bank account with these Check-21-opportunities opportunites at...
Category: Marketing